Where do you want to go? What is your dream for the future? What changes are you passionate about making—for yourself, for your organization, for the world? And what is your strategy to get there?
Building concrete plans is challenging. The future is a big, fuzzy, uncertain place. We don’t know what is going to happen, the events that will transpire or how they will impact us. It would be easy to take the circumstances of today—in the middle of a global pandemic—as proof that planning for the future is pointless. What is the point of creating plans when the world can change in an instant?
Just as strategic planning is often derided in organizations, personal strategy can seem just as abstract, elusive and ultimately pointless. The result is that we keep doing the best that we can with what we have. We populate our calendars, build our to-do lists, and focus on getting done what is in front of us. It is difficult enough to manage the urgent crises of today, without worrying about vague generalizations around next month, next year or beyond.
In this presentation, Mark Mullaly argues that—perceptions notwithstanding—not only is planning for our futures possible, it is essential. The trouble is that we often apply the wrong perspective, ask the wrong questions and use the wrong tools. Time management practices, for example, do a great job of managing today and this week. They just don’t extrapolate into the future very well.
If you are facing down yet another week of action items, Zoom meetings and urgent crises, and feel like there should be a different way of planning and prioritizing your life, you won’t want to miss this webinar. You have little to lose, and an entire future to gain.