Resilience is something that is considered to be an essential capability. Particularly now, in the midst of a pandemic, we are told that people, teams and whole organizations need resilience. Our viability is a product of how resilient we are. The problem is that our understanding of what resilience is—and is not—is flawed. That has very real consequences for our ability to cope, to continue and to thrive. We need to rethink what resilience is, and what it means to genuinely be resilient. This is the place to start.
On Storytelling
Story matters. While we recognize the importance of story, we also often downplay it. We are taught that data is king, that facts and rationality and objectivity are the way the world works. The problem is, that’s not exactly true. Facts do play a role. But story matters more. Crafting good story is an essential skill for anyone who needs to enrol others in a course of action. That would be all of us.
Making Personal Strategy Matter
Where do you want to go? What is your dream for the future? Building concrete plans is challenging. We often feel like we have too many choices and opportunities. We feel life is too random, that opportunity happens, and that circumstances change. Planning still makes sense, and there is a way to go about it.
The Foundational Books
Every profession has its own foundational texts that lay out the principles and theoretical underpinnings of their domain. Every person has their foundational books, as well. This webinar explores bibliography as biography. Mark explores the essential books that most influenced what he does, how he functions and the essential principles that shape his worldview.
We Are All Liminal Now
The Covid-19 pandemic represents a period of unprecedented disruption. We’ve all been launched into a massive change we had no hand in. It’s up to us what we do about that.
You Are Your Own Imposter: A Guide to Recognizing and Dealing With Imposter Syndrome
Life can feel like a series of exceptional accomplishments. It can also be an on-going experience of dread. Much of that is a choice of interpretation.