The answer to most meaningful questions is “it depends.” The more important follow-up question is “what does it depend on?” When we find ourselves embracing complexity and uncertainty, the answers get fuzzier. So our approach to finding answers has to change.
We Have Nothing To Fear, But…
We don’t like to talk about the presence of fear in our organizational cultures. Yet it is there, and takes many shapes and forms. While fear can be a useful emotion, often it is not, but eradicating it takes understanding.
The Strange Attraction of Organizational Culture
Culture is fundamental to how our organizations operate. And yet culture is incredibly difficult to describe, and harder still to shape. Knowing how culture works is essential to navigating it, and influencing how it evolves.
Office Politics: The Good, the Bad and the OMG!
We all play the game of politics. Some of us are better than others. Some of us have more of an appetite for it than others. If we are going to do well, we need to engage politically, and we need to avoid the dysfunctions that often emerge.