In over 45 years as a speaker/writer/consultant, Peter has achieved more than he expected. Along the way, he hopefully learned a few lessons. In his penultimate webinar contribution here he’s going to explore what he thinks he’s learned.
Structure in Three Acts
There is a universal structure that underlies almost all of human functioning. Masters of their craft value it. Others ignore it at their peril. It is enormously simple, and yet incredibly complex. The three-act structure is the anchor that guides almost every meaningful interaction we encounter. Why does it work the way it does? Where does its power come from? Most importantly, how do you apply meaningfully?
Radically Rethinking Notetaking
All of us take notes. How we learned to do that, though, varies. Our approach has evolved over time, trying to keep up with our need to stay organized and on top of the world around us. Over the past few months, Mark has taken a deep dive into the world of note taking, researching what has revealed itself to be a deep and convoluted rabbit hole. If you strive for organization, this is a webinar that you won’t want to miss.
So You’re A Manager. Now What?
It is difficult to understand what it is to be a manager. And there are often few guides or pointers on how to do it well. We correct that error here.
The Limitations of SMART Delegation
There are few acronyms more commonly applied in business than “SMART.” But not everything we need to delegate fits into that structure.
Good Manager or Evil Manipulator?
Management is about getting results. Which raises an interesting question: if you get good at it, are you just engaging in manipulation?