We are all traders. We all do it, every day. But we often say that we’re not fond of negotiating. That would be a misconception.
Managing by Maxims & Epigrams
The world revolves around pithy sayings. We value quotes, we see resonance in them, and we repeat them regularly. They also offer greater meaning and insight in how we manage, if we know where to look.
Treat People Like Dogs: A Canny View of People Skills
We know the importance of people skills. We often don’t think about how relevant and useful our dog skills are. Canny insights into how managing people like dogs might be an advisable strategy.
Mind, Management and Misdemeanors
A significant amount of our thinking brain is not in our conscious control. What we decide rationally has often already been determined unconsciously. Understanding the biases, assumptions and defaults that govern our thinking is critical to making better choices.
Time Management: For Those Who Don’t Have Any!
Time is our most scarce resource. Which is not to say that we use it well, efficiently or productively. There are several less well-known strategies that can help to make a difference.
On Predicting the Future
The future is a fascinating place to contemplate, until we have to be held to the measure of what we have predicted. Thinking about the future can be enhanced if we explore what we get wrong and what we get right.