As a leader, you want to motivate your staff. But what are the approaches that work, and what works best? You need an understanding of the levers that lead to behavioural change.
Why? The Most Powerful Question
Asking “why?” seems like a simple question. It is often a very complex one. But getting to the heart of why is essential. Here is how to do that well.
Tread Lightly: Rethinking The Value Of Process
Process is a fundamental dimension of project management, but one we often don’t think about critically. Process doesn’t have to be hard and cumbersome in order to work. We just need to understand what makes good process work well.
Out Out De Box!
Creativity is a product of reframing how we see the world. What most gets in the way of that perception is the definitions attached to how we see it today. Reframe how you look, and you reframe what is possible.
Faking It ’til We Make It: A Viable Strategy?
“Fake it ’til you make it.” You’ve heard it. You might have done it. It rubs many the wrong way, and seems to emphasize style over substance. But what role should it actually play in your personal development?
Taking a Read on 2016
More books get published every year than you possibly have time to read. So what’s worth reading? Here’s our take on the best books of the past year.