The world revolves around pithy sayings. We value quotes, we see resonance in them, and we repeat them regularly. They also offer greater meaning and insight in how we manage, if we know where to look.
Better Drives Change
Change is a desire to make things better. The challenge is that change often doesn’t produce positive results. Striving to get better is one thing, but we need the insights into how to do that well.
The Expert’s Dilemma
Experts suffer from the challenge of knowing the right answer, and often having that answer fall on deaf ears. There is a difference between having the right answer, and having the right solution. Learn which is which.
The Strange Attraction of Organizational Culture
Culture is fundamental to how our organizations operate. And yet culture is incredibly difficult to describe, and harder still to shape. Knowing how culture works is essential to navigating it, and influencing how it evolves.
Conducting Change with Eight Notes
How does change get implemented? What methodology is most appropriate? Or are we thinking about this all wrong? Insights into making change work by understanding the whole situation.
Treat People Like Dogs: A Canny View of People Skills
We know the importance of people skills. We often don’t think about how relevant and useful our dog skills are. Canny insights into how managing people like dogs might be an advisable strategy.